A Year of Thanks & Appreciation of Life's Beauty

Posts tagged “sun

109/365: an afternoon in the sun with my babe

…and the chance to BR home and enjoy it 😉


52/365: Warmth


This is from Piazza di Michelangelo in Firenze. I won't be able to take my "picture of the day" until I get home from work =)

Today I am thankful for the wonderful sunshine and warmth on my skin this morning on my way in to work. After many months of wet winter, I am SOO happy to have comfortable, warm weather that I don’t have to think twice about walking out into.

How about you?

46/365: A break

Today I am thankful for a break in the torrential downpour that we have been experiencing, giving me a chance to plant our warm weather bed.  Back to rain this afternoon, but not before the sun had a chance to peek out and say hello to my new garden babies!

Don’t have “post” pix yet since it has been raining, but here are a couple of them as they were waiting to go in their new home!

20/365: Vacation

Vacation is most definitely a simple beauty of life.  Today we start on one.  YAY!

I’m not sure what kind of wifi access I will have…but I plan to write a post everyday on my phone, and then I’ll publish them when I get access.

What are you thankful for today?

14/365: Morning sight

This morning, as I wake up much earlier than I believe natural, I was welcomed outside the house with a beautiful seen The sun is just starting to peek out over the horizon and as such is lighting up the tips of the tallest trees. After about 36 hours of cloudy skies and torrential downpours (some of which tracked its way into our house) I saw this view getting into the car:

And it is so beautiful. I had to stop for a minute and just enjoy it. I’m not normally up – and out of the house – this early, so I don’t get to see this often. I just love the way the trees are reflected in the skylights.

So thanks for the beautiful morning image. It has put me in a good mood and made me smile 😉

6/365: Everyday beauty

Today, my simple beauty is something that is available every day, but not always appreciated.


This is the view from the deck behind our house. I sat down to feed Radha today, and saw this when I looked out the window.  It was amazing.

Unfortunately, once the tree’s leaf, we will barely be able to see the sky when it is this beautiful. So I’m thankful that I was able to do so today!

R said “jamunee asman!” – “purple sky!”