A Year of Thanks & Appreciation of Life's Beauty


142/365: a park outing

a warm walkway in the forest with a white picket fence

we went to the park this morning and met a friend there.  it was so great to be outside and watch R do imaginary play.  we also took her new bike (a training bike without pedals here she can glide and get used to keeping her balance) and she did a good job of riding it around!  or at least walking it around =)

125/365: A nice walk

this morning i enjoyed a really nice, quiet and breezy walk to work from the parking lot. usually i walk through the building, but today i decided to walk outside, and it was so great. plus, since it is the weekend, there were hardly any people out – so it was peaceful. =)

120/365: a hard head

Ok, today’s is kind of strange…but bear with me =)

This morning in my rush to catch the train, I somehow managed to slam my head, VERY HARD, against the wall. It was hard enough that it almost knocked me to the floor and my jaw and neck were aching! Luckily I caught the train, and as I was sitting there nursing my wound, I thought: thank goodness i have a big ol hard head! Because as that welt grew and grew on my skull, my brain inside was a perfect as ever! ;-*

So I guess I could say my simple beauty today is: evolution!

116/365: Cool new experiences

We took a jeep tour on the beach to look at wild horses that live there.  It was SO cool – never realized that there were horses that live like that!

93/365: Horses

We had the chance to expose R to horses on our vacation, and it was awesome. She loved petting them and even went on a couple horseback rides.

So my simple beauty is having the chance to meet, appreciate and enjoy other animals. =)

91/365: Outdoor appreciation

we just came back vacatoin, it was awesome!

We took R on her first hikes in a new childcarrier. and she LOVED it.

that is a simple beauty.

“more hiking!”

85/365: Discoveries

Today’s simple beauty is “discovery.”  Particularly as seen through the eyes of a 2 year old.

We went for a hike today, and L and R had SO much fun looking for bugs and other cool things outside.  R had a blast sitting in our new child carrier, where she could be tall and see everything at our height, and she thought all the buggies were “cute!”  SHe kept saying “lets find more buggies please”

Personally I find spiders like this pretty gross…but the beauty of discovery through her eyes is that EVERYTHING IS COOL!

75/365: experiencing nature in new ways

I was out gardening and heard some twigs breaking behind me. I thought it was just a squirrel or something, but decided to look up anyways. and this is what i saw…


It was so beautiful! He/she hung around for a bit, then quickly ran away.


When I went back into the house and told L, he said I should have been careful. And I said “of course I was careful. I didn’t come anywhere near the baby dear.” then he said “and what about the mama deer?”


I hadn’t thought of that

leading to his next comment “geez, you really are a city girl!”

so, today’s simple beauty: experiencing nature in new and exciting ways! weather it is through gardening or just being outside on our property!

68/365: Momentary “transportation”

This morning I stepped out my front door to wait for L (we carpooled today), and was momentarily transported to what felt like the middle of a national park. There were tall trees, a blue sky, misty air, the smell of nature, and dozens of birds singing their morning song and planning their days. It was so peaceful. Tranquil.

I am thankful for moments like these when I can take a moment to breathe and regroup.

It’s a REAL Friday everybody (i.e. i’m not working this weekend)!
I’m thankful for that too!

64/365: “Just say NO!”…to plastic!


I will try to keep this short…but you need background:

L tried to take R to the bookstore every week for father-daughter time.  A couple weeks ago I had the priveldge of joining them, and while there, I insisted that R not take a plastic bag, and that she put her new book in my purse instead.  This led to a break down in the store, because I dodn’t realize that apparently this was their “thing.” They would buy tge book, then put it in a bag, and she would feel really important and special as she would carry the bag out of the store.  I was messing up the groove!

So, I decided to make R (and her cousin, A) a bag they could take when they went to the store – and particualry the bok store.  So the next week we went togtether, took our new bags, and tried to make a big deal about it.  Luckily she bought into it.

WELL – yesterday, we went to the bookstore again (I was once again granted permission to join in on the fun), and as we got to the check out counter – where R usually has a blast trying to swipe the credit card – she started saying “no!  no this!”  L and I were thinking: “why is she saying ‘no’ to the credit card? that’s weird.” But then she said “no plastic.” and I kid you not, I teared up with pride and joy. I’m not exaggerating.  Well maybe not “teared” but my eyes were definitely moist.  I couldn’t believe it!  She learned so quickly to “just say no” to plastic and to use her reusable bag!    Needless to say, this made not only my day, but my whole weekend and week.  I’m still happy =)

I love you, my eco baby!

60/365: The perfect breeze

After a week of 90 degree weather and getting ridiculously sweaty on my way home from work in a car without air conditioning, has somehow transitioned into the most beautiful weather possible.  Today the temperature was in the 70s and the most perfect breeze found its way through our house for the majority of the day.  Each time it blew, I literally had to stop what I was doing, look outside, put my head back and take a DEEP breath.  It was so peaceful.

Definitely one of life’s simple beauties.

I couldn’t really capture this in a picture, so here it is in a short video:


How about you?

52/365: Warmth


This is from Piazza di Michelangelo in Firenze. I won't be able to take my "picture of the day" until I get home from work =)

Today I am thankful for the wonderful sunshine and warmth on my skin this morning on my way in to work. After many months of wet winter, I am SOO happy to have comfortable, warm weather that I don’t have to think twice about walking out into.

How about you?

48/365: Strawberry picking

Today’s simple beauty: picking your own fruit on a farm…and feeling more connected with nature and plants.

We took R strawberry picking for the first time and she loved it! We actually had the pleasure of going with our cousins and their daughter – R’s 3rd cousin. The girls have been having a blast together and had so much fun in the farm! It was awesome!

23/365: Time to walk aimlessly

Today we had a great day just walking aimlessly. Well, not completely aimlessly…our aim was to eat as much good food, drink as much good coffee and savor as much amazing dessert as possible…and then burn some calories in between. Worked well for me!

I am thankful for the time to walk and enjoy my surroundings without worrying about an agenda =)

16/365: QT

Today’s simple beauty:

A Carpool

Not just any carpool, but a 45 minute carpool with my husband. Once he shakes off his morning grogginess, we get to catch up on things we are often too tired to talk about and night and have some good laughs.

Not to mention that we save gas and money, reduce our carbon foot print and get to exercise environmental responsibility.

Yay for being green together!!

How about you??

14/365: Morning sight

This morning, as I wake up much earlier than I believe natural, I was welcomed outside the house with a beautiful seen The sun is just starting to peek out over the horizon and as such is lighting up the tips of the tallest trees. After about 36 hours of cloudy skies and torrential downpours (some of which tracked its way into our house) I saw this view getting into the car:

And it is so beautiful. I had to stop for a minute and just enjoy it. I’m not normally up – and out of the house – this early, so I don’t get to see this often. I just love the way the trees are reflected in the skylights.

So thanks for the beautiful morning image. It has put me in a good mood and made me smile 😉

8/365: Unexpected weather

Today’s simple beauty:

An unexpectedly warm day. 80 degrees!

This meant a trip to the park after work and lots of fun playing outside.

Loved it.

How about you?

6/365: Everyday beauty

Today, my simple beauty is something that is available every day, but not always appreciated.


This is the view from the deck behind our house. I sat down to feed Radha today, and saw this when I looked out the window.  It was amazing.

Unfortunately, once the tree’s leaf, we will barely be able to see the sky when it is this beautiful. So I’m thankful that I was able to do so today!

R said “jamunee asman!” – “purple sky!”

3/365: Nature’s symphony

I have two things I can’t resist mentioning today:

1) I am so thankful for this blog. The simple beauty is that when you start to think of something, especially when it is a commitment you have made, you start to think about it even more.  There have been plenty of times when I have reminded myself (and my husband has reminded me) to look at the cup half full.  Yet I can not wholeheartedly say that I have done this on a daily basis.  However, since starting this blog and making a commitment to think about something every day and write about it, I can’t stop!  Literally!  I find myself reveling in the moment of so many simple beauties throughout the day, and thinking – “oh! I have to remember to write about this one!”  It has truly made me happier throughout the day =)  When this happens, I have been working very hard to resist the urge to write future posts – i.e. write multiple posts at a time and then schedule them to post the following day.  While I think that is normally fine, and I do it often for my other blog: Haath Se [by hand], it somewhat defeats the purpose here: which is to think about something beautiful or that I am thankful for EVERY DAY.  Limiting myself to post on the day of is ensuring that I am thinking about that simple beauty THAT day.  We will see how this plan works out when I am on vacation our of the country for 9 days at the end of this month, or when I’m working 60-80 hrs/wk for the next 2 weeks straight…but I will do my best!!


2) My second simple beauty for today is the namesake of today’s post: Nature’s Symphony.  As you may have read on my other blog, I have started gardening.  I am taking a break from doing stage three of my planting this morning (details to follow on the other blog) and have truly been appreciating being outside, in nature.  Away from my phone, the TV or even my ipod and headphones.  Instead, I am enjoying listening to the wind, the woodpeckers (hopefully I’ll see one too!) and all the other creatures living outside.

Sorry, I know I promised to keep these short, but I couldn’t help myself!  I’m not normally such a “cheesy person” – but this blog is doing it to me!